CSI // Repertorio de proyectos sindicales de desarrollo

Para los sindicatos, la cooperación al desarrollo forma parte de nuestro compromiso de luchar contra la pobreza, promover el desarrollo social sostenible y mejorar las condiciones de vida y de trabajo para todos y todas.


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Progetto Sud (ProSud)

Progetto Sud is an Italian Non-Governmental Organization, created in 1984 on the initiative of the UIL (“Unione Italiana del Lavoro”, Italian Labour Union).
The Organization contributes to the implementation of international cooperation projects and activities in developing countries in Latina America, Africa and Middle East, promoted by institutional donors, profit and non-profit organisations, both national and international. Its mission and objectives are mainly focused on promoting the principles of sustainable growth and development, contributing to the creation of decent work opportunities and the protection of workers’ rights, tackling inequalities, fostering social justice, gender equality, youth empowerment and peace