ISCOS Emilia-Romagna Committee

The ISCOS Emilia-Romagna Committee is born in 1990 on the initiative and effort of Enrico Giusti, a CISL trade unionist who passed away in October 2007.
Indeed, during the 80’s, Enrico opened the dialogue with the Brazilian trade union CUT (Central Unica dos Trabalhadores) that had just emerged from the underground to which it had been relegated by the military dictatorship.
Right from the start, the type of international cooperation chosen by ISCOS E.R. has been based on a relation of reciprocity and exchange with the other, convinced by the fact that we either change together or we don’t change at all. It is hence a cooperation centred on this relation between communities which makes us call our convictions into question, our concepts of life and development, before going out to teach someone else something.