Trade Union Co-Financing Programme
durée: 3 ans 9 mois (Du 1er avril 2009 au 31 décembre 2012)
19.896.647 EUR
- technical and financial support to labour unions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.
- improving working and living conditions of workers
- strengthen the position of labour unions
- promoting social dialogue, being social partners with employers and governments
- monitoring of labour rights violations
- contribute to poverty reduction in relation to the Decent Work agenda and the International Labour Standards of the ILO
- to strengthen partner organizations in lobby and advocacy for collective labour agreements
- improving policies related to labour market, employment, social security/protection
Three subprogrammes :
- Strong Partners for Decent Work
- Lobby&Policy for Decent Work
- Establishing Awareness for Decent Work
Themes :
- Informal Economy
- Gender
- Social Dialogue
- Fair Globalization
Partners :
Trade Union organizations in 27 countries