Trade Union Co-financing Programme
CNV Internationaal is the international department of the Christian Trade Union in the Netherlands (CNV), the second largest trade confederation of the Netherlands. CNV Internationaal promotes labour rights and sustainable economic development through strengthening workers’ organisations in 17 countries worldwide. CNV Internationaal aims to promote the Decent Work Agenda and has set the following priority issues for the coming years ; the promotion of social protection for informal workers, enhancing (youth) employability, guaranteeing labour rights in the supply chain and promotion of effective social dialogue.
In Africa, CNV Internationaal supports the work of partner trade unions in 6 countries, being Ghana, Benin, Niger, Senegal, Guinea and Madagascar. The support consists of capacity building programmes on organisational strengthening and institutional development, South-South exchange, joint training seminars, research, as well as (inter)national lobby and advocacy campaigns. The partner organisations of CNV Internationaal, being membership organisations and social partners, promote labour rights through the provision of services (legal assistance, training etc.) and concluding collective bargaining agreements at enterprise, sector and national level.
Promote the Decent Work Agenda : - Guaranteeing labour rights, - promoting access to social security for informal workers, - enhancing youth employability, - promoting effective social dialogue
Type of activities
Capacity Building programmes, Lobby & Advocacy, South-South exchange, National and regional seminars,
Results achieved
Improved capacities of TU, increased CBA’s concluded, improved services of TU for their members (a.o. legal advice), joint lobby and advocacy for acces to social security for informal workers, joint lobby for improved youth employability, research on social security for informal workers in 5 West African countries, improved Social Dialogue at national level as well as sectoral level
Budgets from EUR 50.000,= to 100.000,= per year per country. Besides that CNV Internationaal organises South -south exchanges, Regional training seminars and Research