CSI // Répertoire des projets de développement syndicaux

Selon les syndicats, la coopération au développement fait partie intégrante de notre engagement pour combattre la pauvreté, promouvoir un développement social durable et améliorer les conditions de vie et de travail pour tous.


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Trabajo decente a lo largo de la cadena de valor y para los trabajadores domésticos migrantes

durée: 2 ans 11 mois 30 jours (Du 2 janvier 2017 au 31 décembre 2019)
budget: non communiqué

There are three sub projects addressing the value chain :

1. Supporting Turkish and Bangladesh affiliates of IndustriAll to use GFAs for organizing and improving working conditions in companies in the textile and RMG sector ;
2. Introducing the topic of decent work along value chains to affiliates of CSA/TUCA in Latin America and supporting the affiliates to develop strategies how to address the issue ;
3. Mapping the value chain of South-African retailers in Sub‐Sahara Africa and support UNI affiliates to develop new organizing strategy and to broaden their scope of action ; One sub project is addressing international migration of domestic workers.
4. Filipino domestic workers are trained to organize in their destination countries and the development of an international Filipino migrant workers union is supported.

The first objective of the program is to improve and sustain the working conditions and living standards of workers along the value chain in retail trade (Africa), in the
textile sector (Bangladesh and Turkey), and in Latin American value chains. The second objective of the program is to improve the security of international migrant domestic workers from South-East Asia and to create fair working conditions in the destination countries of migration.

Type of activities
Important instruments are trainings and advisory measures, setting up of project infrastructure and support structures, mapping of supply chains ; development of education materials and publications ; exchange events in the project countries and in Germany.