CSI // Répertoire des projets de développement syndicaux

Selon les syndicats, la coopération au développement fait partie intégrante de notre engagement pour combattre la pauvreté, promouvoir un développement social durable et améliorer les conditions de vie et de travail pour tous.


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Cotridiaso & Support for labour market reform and Social Dialogue in the MENA-region

durée: 3 ans 3 mois (Du 1er mars 2009 au 31 mai 2012)
budget: 1.829.263 EUR

Immediate objectives :
1. Through a dialogue-based approach to facilitate and support the implementation of selected elements of the current labour code (Code du Travail), with a special focus on establishing OSH comitees at worker level.
2. By engaging the members of the social partner organisations on worker-, regional and national level, to contribute to the longterm intern development of employers’ organisations and trade unions, with a special focus on their active participation in social dialogue.

Development objective :
Contribute to strengthening of social dialogue in between employers’ organisation, trade unions and authorities in Morocco.

Working methods
- Training activities for the labour inspectorate and the social partners in social dialogue and OSH.
- Strengthening of the social partners’ role in social dialogue concerning OSH.
- Developing the guides : Guide for Dialogue Based Inspections, Guide on Workplace Assessment and guide on the establishment and functioning of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee
- Establishing a forum for dialogue, which comprises of social partners and enterprises, for exchange of ideas and experiences, dissemination of information and new knowledge and networking.
- Introducing methodology for best practice dissemination on analysis, evaluation and prevention of risks.


Henrik Als