Cotridiaso & Support for labour market reform and Social Dialogue in the MENA-region
Immediate objectives :
1. Through a dialogue-based approach to facilitate and support the implementation of selected elements of the current labour code (Code du Travail), with a special focus on establishing OSH comitees at worker level.
2. By engaging the members of the social partner organisations on worker-, regional and national level, to contribute to the longterm intern development of employers’ organisations and trade unions, with a special focus on their active participation in social dialogue.
Development objective :
Contribute to strengthening of social dialogue in between employers’ organisation, trade unions and authorities in Morocco.
Working methods
- Training activities for the labour inspectorate and the social partners in social dialogue and OSH.
- Strengthening of the social partners’ role in social dialogue concerning OSH.
- Developing the guides : Guide for Dialogue Based Inspections, Guide on Workplace Assessment and guide on the establishment and functioning of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee
- Establishing a forum for dialogue, which comprises of social partners and enterprises, for exchange of ideas and experiences, dissemination of information and new knowledge and networking.
- Introducing methodology for best practice dissemination on analysis, evaluation and prevention of risks.