Strengthening the Trade Union Movement in Zimbabwe
ZCTU needs to be strengthened in order to spearhead the workers movement in Zimbabwe. Emphasis will be placed on turning the trend of a shrinking membership, by maintaining the current figures in the next project period. Increased collection of union dues will raise the financial sustainability of the organization, as well as rebuild the accountability mechanisms between the national centre and the sectoral unions. Training in ZCTU is limited and training structures are weak, mainly due to financial constraints. This needs to be strengthened, and mainly amongst negotiators at enterprise level. The ZCTU must also ensure that macro economic policies speak to the social and economic needs of workers through social dialogue. Improving the membership registers to improve collection of union dues will also be prioritized in this project period.
The independent trade union confederation in Zimbabwe continue to operate and defend democracy and workers’ rights.
Type of activities
Recruitment and organising, Awareness building on finances of leadership in affiliates, Training and education, especially of negotiators.