CSI // Répertoire des projets de développement syndicaux

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Strategic Partnership Agreement 2.0

durée: 4 ans (Du 1er janvier 2022 au 31 décembre 2025)
budget: non communiqué

The DTDA is the lead organisation in the Danish Labour Market Consortium (LMC), also consisting of Danish Industry (DI) and United Federation of Workers in Denmark (3F). The LMC offers a complete and inclusive labour market package because it comprises the major organisations from both sides of the Danish labour market, and at the same time it is inclusive because it integrates collaboration with other labour market actors in supporting sister organisations in the South. The LMC has a 4-year strategic partnership agreement with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The overall objective – or shared vision – that the LMC seeks to contribute to is : “A just transition that promotes sustainable production and inclusive, gender balanced labour markets with full respect for workers’ human rights contributing to the creation of decent jobs and better opportunities in the labour markets in developing countries. The LMC links our experience from Denmark with our partner’ knowledge of the local context. The partners are thus the main drivers of change, but the LMC will contribute to this development using the experiences from the Danish labour market and business community.

The “immediate outcome” is that democratic and representative labour market organisations in partner countries are well performing and increasingly engage in outreach, social dialogue, and advocacy.

The “wider outcomes” are 1) more systematic and constructive social dialogue, 2) improved labour market framework conditions, 3) inclusion of vulnerable groups and increased formalisation of the labour market, 4) increased gender equality in the labour market, 5) improved skills upgrading, education, and training, and 6) just transition to climate and environment friendly production

Type of activities
Support to capacity building and advocacy