Stemming Irregular Migration in Northern and Central Ethiopia (SINCE)
The project will benefit 1,700 target beneficiaries (youth, women and returnees) selected among the most vulnerable population in three target Zones (South Wollo, North Wollo and Oromia Special Zone). More than 1,500 employment opportunities will be created, matching supply and pre-identified demand, in close collaboration with the private sector, TVETS, Woreda departments and employment committees, NGO‘s, and Trade Unions. Target beneficiaries will be oriented towards a specific career, and get access to relevant short-term vocational trainings tailored to the current market needs matching supply and demand of the labour market. A set of employment services will complement the trainings, including competence assessment, corporative training, tutoring and placement in the 9 pre-identified public and private companies and 30 existing SMEs.
To improve employment opportunities in the target sectors Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) will be created and gaps in the value chain identified. The project will contribute to stable livelihoods among youth and women, reducing their need for irregular migration on the short-term. On the long term, the created PPPs have the potential to strengthen value-chain and expand employment. TVET‘s will give better quality, market oriented trainings.
The overall objective of the action is to reduce irregular migration in Amhara region by improving the living conditions of the most vulnerable population, including potential migrants, and returnees with specific focus on youth and women. This overall objective will be achieved through 2 specific objectives :
– OC1 is to improve access of the target group to quality TVET training and decent employment opportunities in Amhara through the promotion of partnerships between public & private sector and NGOs
– OC2 is to improve capacity of clusters of companies in the textile/garment, metal, construction and supported service sectors to create additional decent job opportunities.
Type of activities
– Training of governmental job creation task forces/committees in value chain strengthening and PES services ;
– Creation of structural linkages between governmental institutions, clusters of companies and jobseekers ;
– Development of 1 private and 6 public market oriented TVETS, including technical and life skills and with good equipment and materials to conduct the training ;
– Training of 1700 youth, women and returnees of which about 1500 will graduate and coached for employment in the metal, construction, textile/garment, and service sectors ;
– Strengthening of clusters of companies in metal, construction and textile/garment sectors through training and facilitation of horizontal and vertical market linkages for increased employment ;
– Training of TVETS, SME‘s, companies & beneficiaries on decent work, gender equality at work & Occupational Health Safety(OHS).