CSI // Répertoire des projets de développement syndicaux

Selon les syndicats, la coopération au développement fait partie intégrante de notre engagement pour combattre la pauvreté, promouvoir un développement social durable et améliorer les conditions de vie et de travail pour tous.


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Dialogue social et amélioration des conditions de travail au Myanmar

durée: 4 ans (Du 1er janvier 2018 au 31 décembre 2021)
budget: non communiqué

The Project aims at contributing for decent work that uplifts the social and economic conditions of working masses and society at large. It also aims to contribute to a stable and well-functioning labor markets by involving strong and independent workers’ organisations in structured social dialogue to settle labor issues in Myanmar.

The key strategy of the Project is to build the capacity of CTUM and its affiliated unions that is able to play an influential role in social dialogue in different levels. For that, the Project supports to empower and module CTUM affiliates through educational activities ad encourage getting engaged with employers on workplace issues.

1. Protection of Migrant Workers : CTUM has strengthened its capacity to advocate for migrant workers’ access to justice and to secure the effective application of labor rights and standards in a context of Myanmar labor migration

2. Social Dialogue : CTUM and its member - unions have strengthened their capacity to participate and play influential role in different levels of social dialogues

Type of activities
Lobbying and Advocacy, Awareness Raising Support to Victimised Workers, Research/Study

Development of IEC Materials, Trainers Training (Methodology), Capacity Building Trainings