Saber para participar : el foro tripartito de consulta social en las provincias para un auténtico diálogo social
In these 4 years of the project (2013-2017) the Saber para Participar project, co-financed by the European Union, wants to :
- Support the CCT in the decentralization and strengthening of the provincial forums with training and equipment.
– Strengthen the role of women by protecting rights in the workplace and in the trade union
– Improve health and safety conditions in the workplace, supporting partners in the effort to communicate the themes of the development agenda and workers’ rights.
– Improve the use of social dialogue as a mediation tool for conflict prevention.
– Reinforce the tripartite forums in all the provinces with training, carrying out studies.
– Research on social responsibility in national and international companies.
– Improve working conditions by promoting activities that aim to defend the workers rights improving their relationships with companies and the government.
Type of activities
Regional seminars on social dialogue ;
Training on conflicts prevention of and social dialogue at all levels : national, provincial and local ;
5 case studies on : improvement of working conditions, wages, minimum salaries, impact of the labor law ;
Training on the role of women in the workplace and in decision making ;
Training on the labour laws ;
Research on Social Dialogue and social responsibility of local and foreign companies
in the province of Tete ;
Days on Social Dialogue in South Africa and Swaziland ;
Training in the companies on working conditions (health and safety) ;
Multilingual website (Portuguese and English) ;
Divulgative issues on radio and TV on social dialogue ;
Publication and dissemination of labor legislation and code of conduct (2,000 copies) in Portuguese
The economy of Mozambique, independent from Portugal since 1975 and hit by a civil war until 1992, has experienced a steady growth, the highest among African countries, also stimulated by the export of mineral resources and investments in the tourism, transport and construction sectors.
Since 2007 ISCOS has been collaborating with the Consultative Labor Commission (CCT) to support the realisation of a constructive social dialogue between government, trade unions and entrepreneurs. In this context, in 2013 a new collaboration between Italian partners (Iscos, Iscos Emilia-Romagna, Nexus Emilia-Romagna) and Mozambicans (Ministry of Labor, CCT, trade unions : OTM and COSNLIMO, representatives of employers CTA) started to make the tripartite social concertation fora truly operational and able to deal with the social and economic changes related to growth and development.