Promotion of rights-based, inclusive, and business - sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach in the Philippines
Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a proactive business strategy that ensures both responsible business behaviour and improved working conditions in the Philippines, thereby promoting business progress and national economic and social development.
Integrating labour rights in the CSR agenda, also in practice, as a potential means to ensuring rights at the workplace, thereby improving working and living conditions for the population.
1. Increased awareness among labour market actors (state, employers and trade unions) of the benefits of sound national and sectoral CSR policies and strategies for a rights - based economic and social development.
2. Rights-based & business promoting CSR guidelines developed by major employer and trade unions in the Philippines are applied in pilot industries
Type of activities
Baseline Study, National / Regional Conferences, Thematic Workshops, Campaigns and Advocacy, Development and Production of Campaign and Advocacy Materials, Press Conferences, Networking and Alliance Building
Trainers Training on CSR, Training Materials Development, plant level social dialogues, capacity building at enterprise level, Development of CSR Guideline/Model