Promover al derecho a la protección social
Category 1 : Individual organisations, members of the network, offer services to vulnerable workers in the informal and in the formal economy, with particular attention to young workers and women, and do political action at the local and national level in the areas of Social Protection and Labour Rights.
Category 2 : Joint service delivery and political actions, exchanging experiences through national and continental synergies in the area of the Right to Social Protection
Category 3 : Support and capacity strengthening of the partner organisations from civil society and of the synergies at the national and continental level
Promoting decent work for a sustainable, fair, solidarity-based and inclusive development : creating jobs, guaranteeing labour rights, extending social protection and promoting social dialogue for all. At the end of the program (2021), in Asia, the strengthened partner organisations from the civil society will have promoted and claimed the Right to Social
Protection towards political decision makers at the national and continental level and they will have contributed to improving the access to Social Protection through services, to the benefit of vulnerable workers in the informal and in the formal economy, with particular attention to young workers and women.
Type of activities
Awareness raising : mass actions and public education via websites, radio chain, brochures and publications, conferences, themed festivals.
– Basic training : general information sessions for members on issues related to decent work (labour rights and rights to social protection, social security schemes, exchange of experience.
– Advanced training : for leaders or training of trainers (with follow-up ensured and training modules), on issues related to the right to social protection.
– Organising and mobilising target groups : increase collective action and membership.
– Individualized support and advice : counselling and mentoring on access to certain social protection measures, legal aid, health consultations and advice, formalizing solidarity economy
– Research & studies : surveys, studies on specific themes related to social protection. Used to support other activities, e.g. political actions, training.
– Political actions : advocacy, lobbying towards public authorities, concerning laws and regulations promoting Social Protection measures and institutions. (1) Mobilising target groups during
demonstrations, petitions, rallies. (2) Meetings with politicians, thematic forums and workshops to influence political actors. (3) Drafting position papers, policy documents, regulatory texts,
laws, public policies proposals.
Cat 3 : Types of Capacity strengthening activities :
– Capacity strengthening and specialized training (through missions, workshops, meetings and seminars) of national partners, national synergies, the Asia Network on the right to Social
Protection on issues of :
• Networking and synergies between partner organisations, and with other national and continental players.
• Thematic : right to social protection, facilitation and capitalising through South/South experiences and North/South exchanges with Belgian Movement.
• Gender : systematizing and taking into account this cross-cutting issue.
• Political Actions : methodologies of planning for political action, stakeholder analysis. Facilitating political processes i n synergy.
• Organisational capacities : project management and the project cycle.
• Environment : Reflections and identifying strategies.
– Communication : facilitating the development of publications, articles, digital publications.
– Programme management (planning, risk management, capacity strengthening methodology, continuous monitoring system, evaluations and follow-up, thematic capitalization, etc.).
– Coordination and synergies with other NGOs (including the Belgian organisations of the Joint Strategic Frameworks), institutional fora and actors.