CSI // Répertoire des projets de développement syndicaux

Selon les syndicats, la coopération au développement fait partie intégrante de notre engagement pour combattre la pauvreté, promouvoir un développement social durable et améliorer les conditions de vie et de travail pour tous.


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Programme IIWE 2017-2021 - Travail décent - Asie

durée: 5 ans (Du 1er janvier 2017 au 31 décembre 2021)
budget: 2.099.530 EUR

Trade union partners of Indonesia and Cambodia, strengthened for improving social dialogue, have in a sustainable way promoted workers’ rights of workers in precarious labour situations within Multinational Enterprises (MNE) operating in Asia and their supply chains (SC) (including domestic companies and informal economy workers) – with special (specific and crosscutting) attention for gender, environment and financial sustainability.

Type of activities
Capacity strengthening activities within trade union partners include training workshops, representation/missions, research, publications, campaigns and actions. Actions include the setting up of national and transnational networks within MNE at national and continental levels.

Capacity-strengthening activities at international level include international workshops for exchange of good practices between trade union partners of IIWE and Worldsolidarity (WSM) as well as international seminars for the adoption of common positions within ILO decision-making processes.

IIWE finances and supports the strengthening of capacities of Asian partner organisations for social dialogue (collective negotiations and dispute resolution) towards the set-up of national trade union networks as well as a number of transnational networks within multinational enterprises (MNE) operating in Asia and their supply chains (SC) - in favour of sustainable promotion of workers’ rights (including workers in domestic companies and in the informal economy).

Strengthening of capacities for social dialogue includes strengthening of negotiation capacities (both human and structural), organisational capacities (representativeness, internal participation, and financial management), and institutional capacities (external communication, networking and collaboration with third parties).

The setting up of national and transnational networks within MNE involves collaborating with trade union branches, federations and confederations in Indonesia, Cambodia, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Burma, Vietnam and Laos – as well as with labour inspectors, the Clean Clothes Campaign and various civil society actors.

At the international level, Asian partner organisations collaborate with other trade union partners of IIWE and of Worldsolidarity (WSM), as well as with all other members of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), and some of the Global Union Federations, in order to favourably influence processes within the International Labour Organization (ILO).
In order to enhance sustainability of results and specific objective, special (crosscutting as well as specific) attention is paid to gender, to environment, and to resource mobilisation (in favour of financial autonomy).