Pilot project for the promotion of social dialogue in the southern mediterranean area
The ultimate goal of SOLiD is to develop the capacity of the trade unions and their counterparts of the employers’ associations in Tunisia, Jordan and Morocco, in order to promote a dynamic, inclusive and strengthened institutionalized social dialogue and consultations with civil society. The following specific objectives have been set :
1 - Create and improve a favourable environment to social dialogue between the social partners.
2 - Promote civic and multi-party dialogue with civil society organizations and regional and local authorities.
3 - Promote a community of practices by identifying and sharing innovative tools and models of effective social dialogue.
4 - Bring changes in the attitudes of the target groups to the concepts and practices of social dialogue.
5 - A fruitful exchange and mutual learning of the interested parties.
6 - Promotion of policies for social dialogue and share of good practices in the region and further developed at the EU-South Mediterranean level.
Type of activities
The actions of Iscos within the SOLID project take place in Morocco and are aimed at consolidating the dialogue between social partners (trade unions and entrepreneurs), civil society, Moroccan institutions and possibly international bodies with respect to three specific thematic areas, such as :
– Transnational Business Agreements and sectoral social dialogue at international level ;
– Migrations, decent work and social rights ;
– Interim and new forms of work.
The following activities are planned :
1. An opening seminar based on the focal group methodology
2. Two accompanying meetings, specifically for trade unions
3. The drafting of documents and study materials
These activities have been developed in close collaboration with the three main Moroccan trade unions (UMT, CDT and UGTM).
The main political changes that took place in 2011 on the southern shore of the Mediterranean have shown the limits of previous economic and social policies and have made the urgent need for institutional reforms more evident.
Since 2008, the European Union has engaged - within the Union for the Mediterranean - a process that associates governments and representatives of employers and workers. This process aims to give a "more effective" role to social dialogue in the Mediterranean area.
In this context, we launch the "pilot project for the promotion of social dialogue in the southern Mediterranean quadrant in three countries (Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan) and could extend to other partner countries in the area.