Labour law and social safety nets in Pakistan
PWF advocacy campaign in all 4 provinces of Pakistan.1) To avoid that rights and instruments won and implemented in the abolished federal labour law complex is transferred to the new provincial set of rules and regulations. 2) To advocate and campaign for the inclusion of provisions supporting the Decent Work Agenda where they were absent in the old federal law complex. 3) Strive for establishment of tri-partite structures to secure influence in the daily implementation of the new laws.
Advocacy for full/better implementation of the existing schemes and a policy development process to expand coverage and enhance services.
Expand organising and rights advocacy to agricultural and domestic workers through policy development and advocacy for the right to organise and social safety nets. Development of an organising strategy and development of special membership services
Revised Labour Laws securing the inclusion of Decent Work agenda provisions,
Government and Employer ensure contribution & registration in Social Safety net ; more workers are getting benefits from social safety net, Amendments in social safety net Laws, Transparent check and Balance system introduced.
Legislation covering agricultural and domestic workers has been adapted in more provinces, Right to organise agricultural and domestic workers given in more provinces, Workers are covered by social safety net
Type of activities
Research, policy development, social dialogue, training, advocacy, awareness raising and joint campaigns with social partners