CSI // Répertoire des projets de développement syndicaux

Selon les syndicats, la coopération au développement fait partie intégrante de notre engagement pour combattre la pauvreté, promouvoir un développement social durable et améliorer les conditions de vie et de travail pour tous.


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Labor and trade union rights project

durée: 3 ans (Du 1er janvier 2011 au 31 décembre 2013)
budget: 881.373 EUR

The target of the program is workers, union members and leaders. The program doesn’t cover only formal workers but also informal econony including domestic workers. The project is run by confederation, equality commision and 11 federations, affiliated to KSBSI.

The objective of the program :
1. Improve the working conditions of workers through negotiation of Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) or labor law reform.
2. Increase number of members and leadership generation at trade union level
3. Increase number of workers who are covered by social security

Working methodes to achieve the objective :
1. Research and study to get the preliminary data on the specific topic.
2. Campaign, lobby, audience with goverment, employer organisation and other stakeholders such as printing 11.000 guidance books on CBA, 1000 T-shirt, 2000 module training on social security
3. Networking with other partners
4. Conducting training on organizing, social security, minimum wage, CBA, leadership generation (cadre) and advocacy. More than 2.000 KSBSI members has got a training from this project.
5. Organizing workers
