The Union Institute for Central America and the Caribbean - ISACC - is an institution of the labor movement committed to improve the capacity of proposal, advocacy and negotiation of trade unions in Central America and the Dominican Republic through technical training and consulting association social policy on issues such as gender equality, health and safety in the work center, regional integration as an alternative to the proposed free trade processes.
The ISACC started its operation in 2005 in Guatemala City, however, in late 2006 he moved to Managua, where he settled as a Civil Society Nonprofit covered under Act 147, General Law on Nonprofit Corporations profit of the Republic of Nicaragua, where he has been developing national activities in all the countries that comprise and regional representatives of all member organizations and other fraternal
From the beginning, ISACC has enjoyed the support and active participation of the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (CSA) - which is the continental representative of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) – the Union Federations (GUF) and international union contributors like the Danish Trade Union Council (LO / FTF), the Workers Commissions (CCOO) in Spain, the Canadian Labor Congress, among others that are added along the way. - See more at :