CSI // Répertoire des projets de développement syndicaux

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Innovative strategies – IIWE programme 2012-2016

durée: 4 ans (Du 1er janvier 2013 au 31 décembre 2016)
budget: 485.000 EUR

Modalities :
1. SS exchange visits (5) in second half of 2013 – each visit consisting of 1 week of visits and discussions :

1.1. SS exchange visit CNT/Niger at CDT/Morocco – focussing on gender – 9 participants
1.2. SS exchange visit CTH/Haiti at CSC/DRCongo – focussing on informal economy – 9 participants
1.3. SS exchange visit CONSAWU/South Africa at NDWTU/India – focussing on domestic workers – 9 participants
1.4. SS exchange visit CLC/Cambodia at CGT/Colombia – focussing on violation of rights – 4 participants
1.5. SS exchange visit KSBSI/Indonesia at UGT/Brazil focussing on environment and climate change.

2. General workshop for triangular exchange in February 2014 with 3 representatives of organisation involved in previous 5 exchange visits, IIWE staff members and international experts for exchange on identified Best Practices regarding gender, informal economy, domestic workers, violation of rights and environment & climate change – to be complemented, finalised and documented. Towards the end of the workshop representatives of the 10 participating organisations come up with 10 draft innovation plans. (Further sharing of documenting Best Practices between the organisations involved as well as with others organisations will be coordinated by IIWE staff.)

3. Further SS exchange between March and December 2014 – whereby southern experts (from the 10 organisations involved or others) travel to the 10 organisations and engage in supporting participative development of innovation plans and implementation thereof.

Project renewed for 2 more years :
Budget for the period 01.01.2013 / 31.12.2014 : 332 000 EUR
Budget for the period 01.01.2015 / 31.12.2016 : 153 000 EUR