Improvement and sustainable protection of working conditions, living standards and trade union activities in Asia
The following sub projects are supported
1. Establishment of a trade union center for information, training (e.g. on trade union and labor law, organizational structure, negotiating skills), networking and advice (in particular on labor and trade union law) in Chittagong, Bangladesh.
2. Supporting bwi affiliates in India to organize and train women working in the informal building sector ; improving the employability and income for women working in the informal building sector ;
3. Organising and issue based training for women working in the informal sector in India ; Supporting IASEW to become a sustainable training institution for women in the informal sector ;
4. Improving workers’ knowledge and capacity in the manufacturing sector and home based industries in Indonesia in order to ensure that they are able to actively promote their interests through unions ; promote labour issues in the public through meetings, discussions, campaigns and publications ; raising awareness of government officials, trade unions and civil society in general on working condition in the manufacturing sector in Indonesia.
5. Improve the situation of women workers in industrial zones in Vietnam : Implementing studies and publishing reports on the (inadequate) implementation of legislation and the situation of women workers, training for trade unionists to analyse the current situation in companies and manufacturing facilities ; develop action plans and negotiating skills for shop stewards and local representatives of the VGCL ; development and publication of information materials and trade union legal advice.
The program is aiming to improve and sustainably protect the working conditions and
living standards of workers in South and Southeast Asia (particularly Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam) while improving and sustainably securing the work of selected trade union organizations and institutions.
Type of activities
Important instruments are trainings and advisory measures, setting up of project infrastructure and support structures, studies and reports ; development of education materials and publications ; exchange events in the project countries and in Germany.