IIWE programme 2012-2016 - Labour rights and Social Dialogue - Component 5 - Cambodia/ CLC
Specific objective : A genderactive and reinforced CLC has promoted a better implementation of workers’ rights and social dialogue in Cambodia with specific focus on a cross-sectoral minimum wage
Strategy : strengthening of capacities
Result 1 (at the level of service development) : CLC has leaders with a stronger say in national social dialogue and has regional coordinators who have followed-up violations of labour rights
Result 2 (at organisational level) : CLC has reinforced her national trade union communication and organisational management, and has extended her trade union work to new regions (provinces)
Result 3 (at institutional level) : – CLC has reinforced its national position with support of the workers and in collaboration with other trade unions and NGOs
Project renewed for 2 years (01.01.15 to 31.12.2016)
Budget for the period 01.01.2012 / 31.12.2014 : 333 000 EUR
Budget for the period 01.01.2015 / 31.12.2016 : 223 000 EUR