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Exchange experience between Indonesia and Cambodia trade union

durée: 1 an 10 mois (Du 1er mars 2009 au 31 décembre 2010)
budget: non communiqué

Objectives :
Sharing Indonesia’s experience to establish a trade union confederation in Cambodia, how to strengthen union, membership, suitable structure, union governance and transparency

Modalities :
First, CLC determined what subject they wanted to learn from KSBSI Indonesia, then they visit KSBSI in Jakarta with all federation top leaders. They debated about KSBSI policy making, design of program, monitoring, accountability, and responsibility toward members. After few months it was KSBSI’s turn to visit Cambodia union with 3 federation related leaders as resource person. Few months later, some selected federation again visit Jakarta for more detail and specific issues that interested them.

Lessons learnt :
Both KSBSI and CLC learnt from this experience. KSBSI learned about how to deal with new democratic government in Cambodia. While CLC learned from KSBSI how to establish a democratic and strong union confederation. Also how to run garment sector and how to determine the minimum wages