CSI // Répertoire des projets de développement syndicaux

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Dialogue and Social Responsibility in the Labour Market – Programme Support to Union Organisations in Latin America 2013-2014

durée: 2 ans (Du 1er janvier 2013 au 31 décembre 2014)
budget: non communiqué


This programme seeks to ensure that by 2015 the trade union movement in Latin America has enhanced its capacity to advocate for workers rights on the labour market and will be able to influence the economic development at national and regional levels, thus, contributing to : democratisation of the society, improvement of the human rights’ situation and poverty eradication.

The Decent Work Agenda (ILO) is one cross cutting objective and theme ‘governing’ all activities within the programme, albeit, adapted to the local socio-economic conditions within the individual countries and the organisational development and priorities of the partner organisation in question.


Each partner has defined one immediate objective for the two years period of the programme :

Guatemala :
FMLL has strengthened its sustainability and contributed to enhancing the capacities of the Guatemalan and Central American Trade union movement, deepening the regionalization process at national level in order to influence labour market policies on decent work, respect for human rights, and improving the living conditions of the people.

Honduras :
CUTH has strengthened its capacity to promote improvements of the Honduran labour market conditions, within the framework of decent work - mainly for the vulnerable groups : youth, women, self-employed workers (cuenta propia/ informal economy), peasants, indigenous groups and community organisations - and has promoted changes in the political and social framework in favour of the Honduran people.

Nicaragua :
FNT has facilitated the development of organisational capacity of its affiliated organisations in the sectors of - agroindustry, fishing, self-employment (cuenta propia/ informal economy), financial services, trade, community and social, small industry, energy and services - to advocate for and to promote labour rights, the right to decent employment and the improvement of the economic, social and democratic situation of the Nicaraguan people.

PSI and the organizations affiliated to the Health, Water, and Municipality Networks implement new strategies to extend the Decent Work Standards to an increased number of workers and their families, and better Occupational Health conditions are ensured at the workplace

ISACC supports trade unions organizations to influence on labour market policies, aimed at decent labour conditions, respect of human rights, and improved quality of life for the citizens.

To improve the political advocacy and social dialogue capacity of the trade union organisations in Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua to promote the Decent Work Agenda

Types of activities

The LO/FTF Council provides support to union :
A) Cooperation and Networking Activities
B) Education and Training Systems
C) Information and Communication
D) Organisational Development and Sustainability
E) Labour Market Studies
F) Development of policy proposals
G) Sharing of Best Practice