Decent employment in West Africa
Immediate objectives :
1. Enhanced networking and exchange of best practices and lessons learned between the national trade union centres and other ITUC affiliates in the region ;
2. Improved coverage of social security schemes in West Africa ;
3. Improved accessibility of technical and vocational training for workers in the informal economy in West Africa ;
4. Enhanced access to micro credits for workers in the informal economy in West Africa ;
5. Partner unions have enhanced their capacity to influence the creation of decent EDEC policies including working conditions and standards.
Development objective :
In 2014 trade unions have enhanced their capacity to influence the creation of decent employment for young/women workers in West Africa.
Working methods :
Awareness-raising, lobbying and advocacy.
Training courses for specific target groups. Training of trainers. Development of training programmes
Research and best practices on how to establish micro-credit schemes. Cooperation with existing micro-credit institutions.