ITUC // Trade Union Development Projects Directory

For trade unions, development cooperation is a part of our commitment to fight poverty, promote sustainable social development and improve working and living conditions for all.


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Central America Regional: Building and Strengthening Modern Democratic Unions in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua

duration: 1 year 5 months (From 1 May 2020 to 30 September 2021)
budget: not communicated

Objective 1: To strengthen the capacity of unions in Central America to organize and represent vulnerable workers to ensure respect for basic labor rights

Objective 2: To strengthen the capacity of unions in Central America to engage in public policy debate and advocate for the implementation of policies and laws that represent workers’ positions and interests

To assist unions in Central America to represent vulnerable workers and protect their labor rights, the Center will support unions to develop and strengthen the capacity of vulnerable workers and their organizations to promote and defend freedom of association, to establish inclusive and democratic worker-led organizations, to engage in negotiations and workplace level dialogue, and to advocate for the implementation of policies and laws that represent workers’ positions and interests.