CSI // Répertoire des projets de développement syndicaux

Selon les syndicats, la coopération au développement fait partie intégrante de notre engagement pour combattre la pauvreté, promouvoir un développement social durable et améliorer les conditions de vie et de travail pour tous.


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Capacity development and social dialogue in the educational sector in Mozambique

durée: 3 ans (Du 1er janvier 2009 au 31 décembre 2011)
budget: 307.140 EUR

Immediate objective :
1. ONP-SNPM is recognised as an influencial social partner which effectively promotes professional development and represents employees in the educational sector in Mozambique ;
2. ONP-SNPM provincial as well as district leadership are able to facilitate School Representatives and the interests of members.

Development objective :
To strengthen the teachers’ organisation ONP-SNPM’s role in the educational sector in Mozambique.

Working methods
1. Upgrading organisational leadership structures at national and provincial level.
2. Strategy development seminars and study tours for ONP-SNPM provincial leadership, to develop and implement a set of strategic guidelines for the servicing of members.
3. Regional seminars for provincial leadership to develop and introduce a set of specific tools and guidelines for the servicing of members.
4. Development of training curricula and –materials to be used by trainers for basic training of district and school representatives on professional development and trade union issues.
5. Upgrading courses for existing group of trainers.
6. Basic training courses for provincial and district level leadership.
7. District representatives receive on a regular basis information material on professional development and trade union issues from the provincial office.


Jørgen Assens