Better work for a decent reconstruction
Objective :
Promoting decent work as a tool to contribute to poverty reduction and social inclusion of workers in the informal economy and vulnerable groups
Specific objective : Empower workers organizations for the generation and stabilization of jobs and the development of policies for the promotion of safety standards on construction sites and in the construction process, and training programs tailored to construction workers.
Results :
150 construction workers (masons) trained with certified courses ;
75 construction workers (electricians) formed with certified courses,
75 construction workers (plumbers) formed with certified courses,
20 instructors (masons) trained with certified courses,
50 organizations of construction workers fully trained and aware of the importance of workplace safety and accident prevention ;
500 businessmen and officials trained through workshops on job security ;
An awareness campaign on health and safety, code Haitian labor, safety standards in construction sites through the acquisition and dissemination of materials such as documents, brochures, pamphlets, a new website, and through the media (television, radio, newspapers)
Reconstruction and rehabilitation of a union training center ;
Equipping a vocational training center for union of the three areas mentioned.
Activities :
Creation of a training program for masons, electricians, plumbers and methodological courses for instructors ;
Best reconstruction : information campaign on safety in construction sites,training of workers, employers and government officials on occupational hazards to prevent accidents at work,
Facilitating reintegration of workers construction of Haitians living in the Dominican Republic without documentation ;
Promotion of collective bargaining for construction workers and their union membership ;
Promotion of services for workers by unions, especially for informal workers in the construction sector : Mapping the informal sector in Port-Artibonnite, Leogane and at border crossings between countries, Malpasse, Ouanaminthe, Anse a Pitre ;
Mapping the informal system and community protection against accidents, diseases, pregnancy and other issues ;
Planning a progressive system for adapting social protection models.
At regional and international level : Exchange for adopting best practices with the sectoral Italian unions, CISL, CGIL and UIL ;
coordination with CSA programs, regional CSI, dissemination and multiplication of results ; Exchange of experiences and good practices.