ITUC // Trade Union Development Projects Directory

For trade unions, development cooperation is a part of our commitment to fight poverty, promote sustainable social development and improve working and living conditions for all.


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The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) is the Australian Government agency responsible for managing Australia’s overseas aid program. AusAID is an Executive Agency within the Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio and reports to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

The fundamental purpose of Australian aid is to help people overcome poverty. This also serves Australia’s national interests by promoting stability and prosperity in the region and beyond.

AusAID provides advice and support to the Minister for Foreign Affairs on development policy, and plans and coordinates poverty reduction activities in partnership with developing countries. AusAID leads and coordinates Australia’s responses to humanitarian disasters and represents Australia in international development forums.

AusAID is strongly committed to evaluating and improving Australia’s aid program and to collecting, analysing and publishing development data and other information.

AusAID’s head office is in Canberra. AusAID also has representatives in 37 Australian diplomatic missions overseas