ITUC // Trade Union Development Projects Directory

For trade unions, development cooperation is a part of our commitment to fight poverty, promote sustainable social development and improve working and living conditions for all.


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Democracy and Social Dialogue in the private sector in Khanh Hoa

duration: 3 years 5 months 30 days (From 1 January 2009 to 30 June 2012)
budget: 233,000 EUR

Immediate objectives:
1. The Vietnamese General Confederation of Labour has the training capacity to support the development of democratic representation of workers and social dialogue in the private sector;
2. The workers in 80 selected SMEs have the capacity to represent themselves towards the management and thereby improving their living and working conditions by forming trade unions using democratic principles and social dialogue;
3. 160 representatives of employers in the selected SMEs have gained greater knowledge of the advantages of social dialogue with the newly established trade unions.

Development objective:
The Vietnamese trade unions have contributed to improved democratic representation and improved basic workers rights in SMEs in Khanh Hoa.

Working methods
- Establishment of the necessary training capacity with the local Federations of Labour to service local affiliates. In particular this involves supporting education structures, development of context specific training material and training of trainers.
- Training of, as well as provision of service (legal and technical support) to local plant level union leaders in workers’ rights issues, social dialogue and organising/recruitment technique.
- Training of trade union representatives in specific topics for CBA including OSH and labour law.
- Seminars and meetings involving workers’ representatives, employers and local government, on the establishment of new social dialogue institutions as well as support to existing structures.


Jens Aarup